Gut Microbiome Screening

At Novo Genomics, we understand the important role of gut microbiome in the human health. The gut microbiome consists of trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in the digestive tract. These microbes play a significant role in almost every aspect of human health. These microbes contribute to digestion, immune function, and even mental health.

As research in this field continues to advance, new tools are being developed to measure gut microbiome health more accurately. For example, Mayo Clinic researchers have created the Gut Microbiome Wellness Index 2, which can differentiate between healthy individuals and those with various diseases with at least 80% accuracy.

Why Gut Microbiome Testing is important?

Recent studies have even shown that the balance of specific bacterial communities in the gut can help predict responses to certain cancer treatments. Gut microbiome testing has traditionally been used in clinical settings for patients with specific conditions such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, its applications have expanded to include research on various health conditions, including colon cancer, depression, and obesity.

Why Choose Novo Genomics for Gut Microbiome Screening?

Why Choose Novo Genomics for Gut Microbiome Screening? Gut Microbiome testing has proved as a powerful tool for understanding and improving the human health. At Novo Genomics, this screening method will analyze the complex group of microorganisms residing in the digestive tract. This can help to improve the quality of the health of the individual. With Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, NOVO Gut Microbiome Screening provides precise and comprehensive data on the gut microbiomes of individuals in Asia. This opens up a new health perspective for clinicians, empowering them to make better informed decisions and recommendations based on the distinctive characteristics of the Asian population.

25+ Insights across 4 Categories

Your gut microbiota composition compared to an Asia-centric population database.

Wellness Indicators across multiple facets of health- ranging from brain health to food metabolism.

Dietary recommendations with selected food ingredients, as well as probiotic recommendations.

Health Insights – your microbiome compared to disease microbiome profiles.

Registration For Novo Biome Test

Easy At-Home Gut Health Test!

Your gut bacteria affect your digestion, weight, and overall health. With Novo, you can:

  • Check Your Gut Health – Find out if your gut bacteria are balanced.
  • Understand IBS & Bloating – See if gut imbalances are causing digestive issues.
  • Manage Weight & Metabolism – Your gut bacteria can impact weight gain and energy levels.
  • Improve Food Absorption – Know how well your body absorbs nutrients.
  • Identify Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases –Know more of potential risk factors associated with your gut

Novo Genomics offers flexible pricing options to cater to different customer needs:

Single Kit: Standard retail price per unit 2400 SAR.
Combo Package (2 Kits): Discounted pricing for customers ordering TWO test kits together 4200 SAR.
Bulk Purchase (3 or more Kits): Special pricing for families, groups, or corporate wellness programs 1900 SAR/each kit.

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Customers can conveniently receive their test kits through the following channels:

  • In-House Pickup: Available at Novo Genomics.
  • Home Delivery: Direct shipping to customers via reliable courier services.
A seamless and secure payment system will be available through multiple channels:
  • Direct Bank Transfer
  • Tabby
  • Cash on Delivery (COD)
  • Novo Genomics ensures a smooth and efficient process from order placement to results delivery:
  • Kit Shipment:Customers receive their test kits via a trusted logistics service.
  • Sample Collection & Return: Customers follow clear instructions to collect their samples and coordinate with our logistics service facilitates to return your samples to Novo Genomics for further processing.
  • Laboratory Analysis & Report:The samples undergo advanced processing, with results securely sent to customers via a digital platform. The standard turnaround time for results is 3 to 4 weeks from the date of sample collection.

Contact Us

To learn more about our gut microbiome testing services or to schedule a consultation, please contact us. Together, let's unlock the potential of microbiome science for better health outcomes.

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